Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I like the real estate mashup, great to be able to see a picture of the house plus where abouts in the area it is located. Is a very different way of buying and selling real estate, opens up to whole new range of potential clients as well. Wasn't impressed with the Twitter ones as I'm not a big fan of twitter at all. Very Impressed with he real estate though.

Online applications and tools

Google doc's would come in handy for our Library as we have two branches. Instead of sending multiple copies of emails with the same document, we could use the google docs and let all staff have access, that way all staff members can add there own to the document and its up to date as soon as they save. This way all staff will see the current version of the documents. I think I could use this with my co worker on the magazines as the purchasing of new magazines happens in the Gatton branch. For example if Gatton was to subscribe to a new magazine they could add that magazine to the list on Google doc's and I would know straight away, and this could be done vice verse.