Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Video's online

I think we could definately use online videos in our Library. Firstly we could promote our Library through video's with what services we provide, we could also use online video for book reviews. We have just built a new Library we could have used online video to keep the community up to date with how the Library was progressing in the stages it was built. I like the idea of training via online video, especially if the Library has many branches!!!!!!

More Google.

I did not know about the "Google translate", I had a customer come ion one day with a medicine precaution paper and he wanted to know if I could find him a copy in English not Japanese. I was unable to as all the searches I did only located the same precaution papers as he had in Japanese. If I had of know of about this tool I could have got him the information he needed. Another time we could have used this tool was when a client was receiving letters from a French lady, she had a person who could translate and write letters in French, but this friend moved and she was trying to find someone else who could help her out. At this time I did not know about this tool or it may not of been established yet, it would have been perfect for her to read and write letters to her pen pale overseas.

The Google calendar could be used within our Library for the staff to keep up to date with what is happening between the two branches. We could have one calendar that all staff have to ability to add and view. We could also allow external clients to view our calendar therefore they could see our upcoming events and if they were interested in them contact us regarding them.